Glute activation for a healthier back and hips

Making sure you have good gluteal activation is essential to help with stabilising the lower back and hips through movement. Unfortunately with our generally sedentary lifestyles, the glutes are often ignored and can end up inhibited through lack of use. These exercises can help to get them fired up again!

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Let us help you to achieve better health. You can book an appointment with our chiropractor Chris or massage therapists Liesa or Matt, by calling 01785 530911 in Stafford, or 01952 825042 in Newport. Alternatively you can book using our online diary.

We look forward to seeing you.

A good year for Chiropractic & Massage?

Amazingly, Pure Health Chiropractic will be eight years old this month and that’s largely due to the many grateful and satisfied clients that have kindly referred their family and friends to us. If you are one of those lovely people, we would like to say a huge thank you for supporting us, and enabling us to help those you care about get well again.

As we age, maintaining some form of activity is vital since movement helps to promote good health. However, this isn’t easy for all of us, particularly as many of us now have to work into old age and with longer hours. If you suffer with back or neck pain, this can become a daunting prospect, and movement can become very restricted.

In 2012, the British Chiropractic Association unveiled consumer research that highlighted the need for action for those over 55. Some of the results were eye-opening: 51% suffered from back or neck pain with 33% of those complaining that they suffer daily and 24% stating they have endured their complaint for more than 10 years. 13% of those suffering from back or neck pain experienced difficulties with going to work – a clear concern for the ageing workforce. Perhaps more worryingly 13% found their pain impacted on their ability to socialise with friends and family.

With such concerning findings, it’s clear that getting the right advice and care is important. Although some exercises and hands-on treatments may seem daunting, they may be perfect for mobility and fitness if done at an appropriate level.

If your joints are not moving well, you are more likely to be in pain. Chiropractic treatment or massage can often help to restore or improve issues with joint and muscle restriction, particularly when combined with suitable postural, stabilising, and movement exercises. Adding just a few minutes of exercise or stretches to your daily routine could be a huge benefit. We can help you to find the most tailored solution to your problems.

Let us help you to achieve better health. You can book an appointment with our chiropractor Chris or massage therapists Liesa or Matt, by calling 01785 530911 in Stafford, or 01952 825042 in Newport. Alternatively you can book using our online diary.

We look forward to seeing you.