If you regularly read my articles, you may know that I love to be active. Recently though, low back, hip or groin pain have stopped me in my tracks. Yes, even us chiropractors aren’t immune from pain or injury! Fortunately, I know how to deal with it which often means that I can help you too!
For those that are also struggling and can’t get around so easily, I know how frustrating it can be and I’ll do all I can to help you back to activity. However, when it comes to more complicated joints like the hip, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. It may not be the hip at all!
The hip joint is a hugely important joint in our ability to move well and stabilise through the rest of the body, particularly the spine. There are a multitude of muscles and other tissues that attach across the hip, pelvis and torso which help to keep us stable through our everyday movements like squatting or bending. If these tissues are not coordinating and contracting adequately, possibly due to injury, restriction or neurological misfiring, then pain and dysfunction can often occur. Over time this can lead to poor movement, weakness, instability and (if long-term), arthritic changes.
It could even be that your pain is not coming from the hip at all – it may be your lower back or sacro-iliac joint thats causing all the trouble. The best way to find out is to get checked over.
No matter what your problem, we will look to help you to address any underlying causes, empowering you in improving and maintaining your health.
We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.
Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)
Featured image: X-ray Image ID: 3684. Photographer: Unknown., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons