Hip pain replacement

Hip or groin pain

If you regularly read my articles, you may know that I love to be active. Recently though, low back, hip or groin pain have stopped me in my tracks. Yes, even us chiropractors aren’t immune from pain or injury! Fortunately, I know how to deal with it which often means that I can help you too!

For those that are also struggling and can’t get around so easily, I know how frustrating it can be and I’ll do all I can to help you back to activity. However, when it comes to more complicated joints like the hip, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. It may not be the hip at all!

The hip joint is a hugely important joint in our ability to move well and stabilise through the rest of the body, particularly the spine. There are a multitude of muscles and other tissues that attach across the hip, pelvis and torso which help to keep us stable through our everyday movements like squatting or bending. If these tissues are not coordinating and contracting adequately, possibly due to injury, restriction or neurological misfiring, then pain and dysfunction can often occur. Over time this can lead to poor movement, weakness, instability and (if long-term), arthritic changes.

Hip and groin pain

It could even be that your pain is not coming from the hip at all – it may be your lower back or sacro-iliac joint thats causing all the trouble. The best way to find out is to get checked over.

No matter what your problem, we will look to help you to address any underlying causes, empowering you in improving and maintaining your health.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Featured image: X-ray Image ID: 3684. Photographer: Unknown., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Gardening and Chiropractic

Gardening and back pain

Well, we’ve had a miserable and wet winter, but things are looking up! Recent events can all soon get you down, but my hope grows that we might finally get some sunnier and drier weather so we can all brighten up and get outside more with family and friends. I think we are all looking forward to that again. Many people (including my other half), are also looking forward to being back in the garden and getting their hands dirty, but sometimes gardening can give you back pain!

Most of the painful conditions I see are typically avoidable. If you struggle with poor mobility in the spine, hips or ankles then bending or squatting to work in the garden can leave you open to an increased risk of injury. This risk is increased further if you also spend a long period of time in one position or doing the same repetitive task under load.

Don’t start with heavy-duty gardening. Warm up with the lighter jobs, like mowing the lawn, and then move on to something else.

Mix it up. It is important to vary your activity every 30 minutes or so rather than be in one position for too long.

If you are laying a patio or dong any heavy lifting, keep the object close to your body and bend through your knees and hips. It is sometimes better to bend one knee rather than two to pick up or move objects (also known as a ‘golfers lift’) as your supporting leg gives you a position of strength.

If you are having any problems or gardening causes you back pain, then Chiropractic care could help. This may be in the short term for symptomatic relief, or with long term preventative or maintenance care to maintain good movement and function.

No matter what your problem, we will look to help you to address any underlying causes, empowering you in improving and maintaining your health.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Chris - Chiropractor

Working from home – tips for your health

Welcome to 2021 and hopefully a new start to a better year! We hope you had a chance to at least get together with a few family members over the holidays to cheer you up, I know we all need it at the moment.

It used to be that working from home was seen as a great way to get up later, ease into those emails with a few cups of coffee, and sometimes not even get dressed for the whole day! It was a rare luxury, that could be construed as a bit of an excuse to skive off a bit.

How it’s all changed! With the advent of Covid-19 and the current lockdowns, many businesses have been encouraged (forced?) to allow staff to work at home, and have soon realised that they can be just as productive as they are in the office without the need for that tedious daily commute.

Chiropractic assessment

However, as good as this all is for the environment, time savings and productivity, I’ve seen quite a few cases of patients adversely affected by a lack of activity, interaction, and poor posture and workstation set-up. Here’s some helpful tips to hopefully keep you going:

The best posture is one that changes regularly.

Make sure you change your position or get up and move every 30-40 minutes. Standing desks can often help, but make sure you don’t stand all day either!

If you must sit for long periods minimise stresses on the body.

A good workstation setup and the right equipment is essential to preventing painful postural conditions.

Make sure that you get outside regularly.

Being stuck indoors for hours can also be a bit of a drag. Take a daily walk for 15-20 minutes. We need fresh air and daylight to elevate mood, and for vitamin D. If there’s no sunshine (particularly at this time of year), consider a daily supplement.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Christmas hours

Happy Christmas! Our opening hours…

Here’s to a happy Christmas and New Year 2020 and an even better 2021! If you’d like an appointment before the New Year, you’d better get in quick, as we will be closing over the festive period. Our hours are below…

Our online store will also be closing over the holiday break to allow for postage and relaxation time. If you’d like some gift ideas, see our Gift Idea page before it closes on the 21st December.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

From all of us at Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness, we hope you enjoy your Christmas and New Year break. See you in (hopefully) a happier 2021!

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Gift Vouchers

Need gift ideas? Our web store is open!

If you would like some gift ideas AND would like to support a small local business this year, we have some good suggestions for you in our online store.

Our popular pillows are back in stock

The Complete Sleeprrr pillow has always been popular ever since we started selling it around 9 years ago and the demand online particularly has has been amazing. This may be because there doesn’t appear to be many places that sell a pillow that is so adjustable. Many of our clients find this pillow to be the most comfortable and modifiable pillow they have tried, and compared to other orthopaedic pillows is very good value.

Memory Foam pillow

For more information, please see our Complete Sleeprrr product page.

What about a gift voucher?

If you know someone who would benefit from massage, chiropractic or shockwave treatment, then a fantastic gesture would be to get them a gift voucher.  They last for up to 12 months and I’m sure they would appreciate it!

Gift Vouchers

For more information, please see our Gift Vouchers product page.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

From all of us at Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness, we hope you enjoy your Christmas and New Year break. See you in (hopefully) a happier 2021!

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Squatting to help your low back and hips

The squat is one of the most fundamental movements to help keep our hips mobile and strong, and to help spare our low back from too much stress and potential injury. Being able to squat with a good movement pattern is a good indicator of general health and is something we should all be able to do.

Unfortunately, with a more sedentary lifestyle nowadays, particularly sitting, the ability to squat properly is being lost. Here, our chiropractor, Chris gives you some tips to help get that movement back!

To be able to squat properly takes good spinal stability, good gluteal/hip coordination and a good “hip hinge”! If you struggle with any of these areas, practice these too below:

For our “Hip Hinge” video: https://youtu.be/-KQnWH8iUTk

For the “The Dying Bug” stabilisation progression: https://youtu.be/zkzk86QL86I

For our “Gluteal activation” video: https://youtu.be/ko4eGs3bbFg

Subscribe for more content from Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness for more advice, exercises, and product reviews:

Youtube: Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness
Website: https://www.purehealthchiropractic.co.uk

Follow our chiropractor, Chris on his channel MTBChiro for general advice and mountain biking adventures:

YouTube: MTBChiro
Instagram: TheMTBChiro

Let us help you to achieve better health. Unfortunately due to Covid-19, we are closed at the moment, but once open again you can book an appointment with our chiropractor Chris or massage therapists Liesa or Matt, by calling 01785 530911 in Stafford, or 01952 825042 in Newport. Alternatively you can book using our online diary.

We look forward to seeing you.

SPorts and Remedial Massage Therapy

Need a good massage?

Are you looking for a top quality sports or remedial massage in or around Stafford?

Meet our excellent massage therapists Liesa and Matt. Whether its general aches and pains, a muscular injury, or simply helping with training recovery – they’ve got you covered.

With the Stafford Half marathon just around the corner, regular massages could help you get that PB you’ve been after!

For more information, visit our Meet The Team and Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy pages.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Gardening and Chiropractic

Calling all gardeners!

It’s been an interesting few days, with storm Ciara bringing rain, wind and snow to the region. Hopefully once everything settles back down we can get back to normal and spring will be on the way!

Spring seems to be the time of year when the gardeners come out in force and many of them end up seeing someone like myself for those new found aches and pains, so to help avoid potential problems, here are a number of handy tips:

Don’t start with heavy-duty gardening. Warm up with the lighter jobs, like mowing the lawn, and then move on to something else. It is important to vary your activity every 30 minutes or so rather than be in one position for too long.

If you are laying a patio, keep the slab close to your body and bend through your knees and hips. It is sometimes better to bend one knee rather than two to pick up or move objects (also known as a ‘golfers lift’) as your supporting leg gives you a position of strength.

If you are planning a trip to the garden centre to buy heavy items such as bags of compost or pebbles – buy multiple small bags rather than one big bag. Smaller items are easier and safer to carry. If there is no other option, ask someone else to help carry it to the car and then when you get home, shovel out smaller quantities straight from the car and put it into smaller containers.

Do not ignore pain. It can be a warning sign and could indicate something more serious or damaging. If you start to ache then stop what you are doing, have a break and come back to it later once the pain has eased. If there is no improvement, have it checked out as soon as possible.

Most injuries that I see are typically avoidable and we specialise in helping you to recover and then manage them. Studies have shown that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation and mobilisation combined with appropriate exercises and education, is a very effective method in keeping back pain at bay.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)

Mountain Biking

Have the January blues? Getting active can help!

After all the build-up and hype around Christmas, it’s gone so quickly that January can often be a bit of a let-down. It’s hard to get back into the routine of things, particularly when it comes to exercise and staying healthy.

I’ve found it difficult this year too. With a number of injuries, a rather stressful house extension, and a very busy practice; it’s been a struggle to keep motivated to stay fit and strong. Despite this, I know I’ll get back to it again because I enjoy my mountain biking.

One of the things I often try to encourage my clients to do is to find something they enjoy that gets them active. It doesn’t matter what it is: swimming; cycling; Zumba; Pilates or simply going for a walk. Being active and doing something you enjoy is just as good for you mentally as it is physically. It has been shown to be one of the most effective remedies for feeling down and for your general well-being.

However, I know it’s not always easy when you’ve got aches and pains. I’ve been through back injuries and surgery and have been told before that I should give up riding down ‘bumpy hills’ as it’s not good for my back. I strongly disagree.

In all activity, having a spine that functions well but is also strong and stable is vital to both good movement and staying injury free. It’s the biggest reason why everyone (including athletes or those just looking to stay healthy) should be maintaining good spinal function, good movement patterns, and good core stability. These three factors are hugely important in both professional and amateur sports (and movement in general) if you want to enjoy your chosen activity as much as possible.

Unless there’s a very good reason, no-one should ever tell you to stop doing a sport or activity you love doing. With the right treatment, advice and training, almost everyone can continue with their chosen activity and lead a better quality of life.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)


Need some gift ideas? Try our new online store.

If you are like me and struggle for gift ideas around this time of the year, then we have a few good suggestions for you in our new online store.

The Complete Sleeprrr pillow has always been popular ever since we started selling it around 8 years ago. People love how adjustable and comfortable it is, and compared to other orthopaedic pillows is very good value.

Memory Foam pillow

For more information, please see our Complete Sleeprrr product page.


What about a gift voucher?

If you know someone who would benefit from a massage or chiropractic session, then it would be a nice gesture to get them a gift voucher for some treatment.

Gift Vouchers

For more information, please see our Gift Vouchers product page.

We can help you to achieve better health. Why not come and see what our chiropractors and massage therapists in Stafford and Newport can do for you. We look forward to seeing you.

From all of us at Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness, we hope you enjoy your Christmas and New Year break. See you in 2020!

Chris Mallett
Principal Chiropractor
Pure Health Chiropractic & Wellness (Stafford and Newport)