If you suffer with a back injury or pain, it can be a real burden getting back to normal movement.
The Dying Bug track is a progression of exercises designed to help you learn to engage the spinal and pelvic muscles again, and give you the confidence to return to normal activities. Here, our Chiropractor Chris runs through some of the steps of the progression and explains why it is so important.
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Follow our chiropractor, Chris on his channel MTBChiro for general advice and mountain biking adventures:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWx…
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Let us help you to achieve better health. You can book an appointment with our chiropractor Chris or massage therapists Liesa or Matt, by calling 01785 530911 in Stafford, or 01952 825042 in Newport. Alternatively you can book using our online diary.
We look forward to seeing you.